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Poem #1: Weird
Poem #2: Broken Dreams
Poem #3: Burn
Poem #4: Eyes
Poem #5: Cry Myself to Sleep
Poem #6: Hate You
Poem #7: Thoughts of You
Poem #8: The Truth
Poem #9: Dream to Wake
Poem #10: Wounds
Poem #11: Life of Death
Poem #12: Open Your Eyes
Poem #13: Shell
Poem #14: Creatures of the Night
Poem #15: Shadows Fall
Poem #16: New Day
Poem #17: Am I Not?
Poem #18: I Am
Poem #19: Hate Myself
Poem #20: Cold and Comfort
Poem #10: Wounds

Written By: Stevie-Leigh V.

~So I sit here five months after you left me flat, I see love all around me, and remember when we were like that. I remember your smile and your, I love you, and I wonder what did I do to lose you. I wonder why did I have to screw up so bad, and why my feelings I hide? Why do the wounds reopen and become fresh inside?~


~And I realize its because I am me, and you wanted another person, that I couldnt be. To mother you and love you, protect you and hold too, but I am just as weak as you, being someone else, I could not do.~


~I cant pretend that I am brave, strong or all that smart, and I am a fool when it comes to matters of the heart. I make mistakes and yes I am wrong, but through it all my love for you is strong. I cover my eyes to hide your image in passing cars, and I cant look out the window at the shining stars.~


~You took so much more then just your love from me; you took my joy, my pride, and my dignity. The fact remains that I lost you, my one and only love, I lost my soul and pray to the one above; to just make short work of me, to rest in peace and leave me be. Yet still alive I remain, to live and be haunted by this unforgiving pain.~

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